Payd Ramp Widget

A seamless cryptocurrency on-ramp and off-ramp solution for your applications

Integrate Crypto Payments in Minutes

The Payd Ramp Widget provides a seamless interface for converting between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. Easily integrate our widget into your application with a few simple steps.

Quick Integration Guide


Generate a Widget Session

Create a session with your desired configuration using our API.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic <credentials>" \
  -d '{
    // Required parameters
    "type": "onramp",                           // "onramp" or "offramp"
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "redirectUrl": "",
    // Optional parameters
    "prefill": {
      "amount": 100,                           // Amount in fiat currency
      "token": "USDt",                         // Token to receive (e.g., "USDt", "LSK", "cUSD", "cKES")
      "network": "lisk",                       // Blockchain network (e.g., "lisk", "celo")
      "walletAddress": "lsk123abc...",         // Recipient wallet address
      "email": "",             // User email for notifications
      "phone": "+254712345678"                 // User phone for notifications
    "styling": {
      "primaryColor": "#7C3AED",               // Primary brand color
      "darkMode": false,                       // Enable dark mode
      "fontFamily": "Nunito, sans-serif"       // Custom font family
    "metadata": {                              // Custom metadata for your reference
      "orderId": "order_123456",
      "userId": "user_789012",
      "source": "checkout_page"
    "webhookSecret": "your_webhook_secret",    // Secret for webhook signature verification
    "expiresIn": 3600                          // Session expiry in seconds (default: 1 hour)

Integrate the Widget

Use the returned widgetUrl in your application.

// Example iframe integration

Handle Callbacks

Receive transaction updates at your callback URL.

initiatedTransaction has been started
pendingPayment is being processed
completedTransaction completed successfully
failedTransaction has failed

Powerful Features

Supported Networks

  • Lisk
  • Celo

Supported Tokens

  • LSK (Lisk)
  • USDt (Tether on Lisk)
  • cUSD (Celo Dollar)
  • cKES (Celo Kenyan Shilling)

Payment Methods

  • M-Pesa

Customization Options

  • Pre-filled values
  • Custom branding
  • Theme selection

Ready to Get Started?

Integrate the Payd Ramp Widget today and provide your users with a seamless crypto on-ramp experience.

View Developer Documentation